Saturday, January 30, 2010

A cute one

I was driving back alone just now and I realize that someone actually took the trouble to send me home by a long route for a good half year. -.- unbelievable that he really did this. And even more unbelievable that I didn't notice. -.-

Had the following conversation during lunch
Lady "he is reserved for my daughter."
Dear "how old is ur daughter? She still overseas right?"
Lady "she will be back in 2 years after her phd studies"

Then I had the following conversation with dear after the lunch
Me "got people want to introduce daughter to u ah?"
Dear "ya lot, her daughter will be back from phd programme after 2 years"
Me "good hor, got a phd"
Dear (reacted rather violently) "crazy ah, she will only be back in 2 years, by then I'm already 30 leh!"
Me "haha but got phd leh and 2 years only, not bad what"
Dear "haha, ya hor, only 2 years and got phd leh. Ok lor, I will take the offer."
Me "-.-|||"

Haha. Super cute la. That was a silly conversation but it feels sweet to hear and know that he has that thought. :)

I love you!

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