Saturday, May 08, 2010

.::A week that just passed::.

I wanna blog about my week that is about to end in less than 48 hours.

Actually, I shouldnt really be here, I should be either busy with work or busy with revising my Basic Thermo since I slept in ALL the lectures or, if not, busy with preparing for CRS. Haas. But still, here I am.

Mother's day is this Sunday, I have given my mother things, but I have yet to decide on what to give Dear's Mum. That doesnt sound like something good. oops.

And the past week, it is definitely more hectic but I think I am finding a balance. Hopefully. Pray hard.

Projects are being settled rather fast and I am glad I did well for welding!

And I found a cool game today!

Had a busy night before we squeeze out time for dinner with my mama. So I am super glad that dear managed to make it. I was still thinking that he might not have the time. Thanks dear!

And not to mention, alot of shifting coming up and alot of new people joining in!

And most of my colleagues are now either getting engaged or engaged. -.- Looking forward to their wedding!

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