Some thoughts of mine.
I am never really a person who fights for equivalent for women. Simply because I never sees reasons how women can be as capable as guys. Maybe in certain aspects, YES, women can be better than men, but NEVER ever will women be equal as men!
I am never a fan of AWARE, who believes that gender can be equal and getting all jumpy about whatever Mr Lee Kuan Yew have said about women should stop and weigh the differences between a PhD and ‘love and babies’. That is just an ugly truth that we have to face, we need to give birth, need to carry the next generation and sacrifice our time and body on our next generation, because we are born to do it! I doubt I will see men giving birth in my lifetime. And the statement that Mr Lee seems to me like desperate pleads to women out there in the society to help Singapore with the aging population. Either help to give birth, or stop complaining about the influx of foreign talents. (Article here)
For one good reason, as God has made us, our physical ‘configurations’ are way different. You hardly see a guy being temperamental and starts crying or shouting his head off at his work place when faced with frustration or negativities at work. Yet, I am rather sure that you will see women crying or shouting at her work place to vent her frustration or anger. Simply because, we, women, are much much more emotional than guys!
I am not implying that all women are emotional or all men have great control of their emotions. I am just giving a rather general example. There are EXCEPTIONS and I know of some them.
And most women will never have the kind of reflexes that men have. And also, most women will never be able to do things like men do, eg, going to army?
However, not fighting for equality doesn’t imply that women should be treated as slaves. Seriously, what’s up with the Obedience Wives Club?
What about being submissive in the bedroom, obeying your husband and satisfying your husband’s sexual needs such that he will not go out and look for prostitute?! I seriously don’t see how much this will help or contribute to the tackling of prostitution.
This is sending a wrong message. So for example, you have a husband who used to visit prostitute, found out about Obedient Wives Club, decided to come back, and he came back with STD, will you still be that Obedient Wife and obey whatever that he demand?
That example was a bit forceful. Let’s take a look at another scenario then.
You have a wife who is part of the Obedient Wives Club right before marriage. 7 years down the road, or 20/30 years down the road. When she is old and haggard and tired from everything in her life, yet she still try her best to obey her husband and satisfy his sexual needs, do you really really really believe that 20 to 30 years later, the husband will still stay faithful to her? And not go find prostitute? I really doubt so.
So how much can the Club keep men from going to prostitute and tackle prostitute and other sex trafficking issues? The answer? BARE MINIMAL.
One super ugly truth that we women have to face is, we will not be young and youthful and pretty FOREVER and we will always be aging faster than guys and we will definitely get in to menopause earlier than men have theirs. (Yes, men goes through ‘menopause’, they are know as Andropause.)
When women have their menopause, or they age, or they lose their youth, men will go out and look for other women, be it prostitute or just another woman. (Not all the men do that though, and I seriously hope my man will not do that!)
So tell me, how can the Club combat prostitution or other sex related offences?
No offence meant to any religion or whatsoever. Its just the ideas behind the club that doesn’t seems convincing enough.
And one sad truth, women tried for decades or maybe the whole century, hoping to be equal, but we never will be.
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