Friday, May 01, 2009

.the trip for me.

okies... finally, i am back from Korea and it was a really cold trip. very very glad that i borrowed the purple jacket from aunty... if not, i think i will die there. haha..

and now, i was suppose to be sorting out the photos now but then again, i realise that the SD card is too high class and too high tech for my computer to read. so now i have difficulty even reading the photos. so i suppose i have to post the photos only some other time. but before that, it will be a draft of what we went through... :)

We departed from Singapore on the 22nd April but we were suppose to check in on the 21st April. and the worse thing that happened to me during the trip is me having my menses just after i checked in.. -.- sianed...

but anyway, we flew to Shanghai and reached Shanghai at about 5am. the next flight to Jeju is 5 hours away. and so we went to check in to one of the hotel near the airport and slept for 2 hours? haha. i think so.

and then we went on to the flight to jeju and upon touching down, we see our tour guide standing there waiting for us... Xiao Yan. haha. and we were brought to have our lunch. super hungry. -.-

we had some local korea food before crossing the street to go and view the YongDuam Rock... had a difficult time trying to differentiat which is the head and body of the so call dragon. at least for me. -.-

had a taste of how cold it can be and we climb around all the rock form from the vocalno eruption lava in slippers for me and dear. haha.

next was up the bus and to the Mysterioud Road of Jeju which really left us puzzle. it ming ming look up slope but water are all flowing down! so in the end, we decided to just go back and read up more about that road from the internet and stop trying to decide whether it is an optical illusion or what.

and next was to an undergroud shopping arcade in Jeju which there isnt anything much that we can really see

but after the shopping trip, we made use of the last few minutes that we have and ran into this gong dian near the shopping arcade, just the 3 girls and took photos. :D

next was to the hotel. something simple but comfortable. we went out to explore and walked around with the aunties who are in the tour group with us... and dint manage to get much. in the end, we went to this beer house run by a couple and had a drink and some bbq meat that dear dear loved. haha

the next day was some very nice breakfast that is actually buffet like but not international buffet. then was a sightseeing at the Sungsan Sunrise Peak, had an experience of how cold it can really get again and got a nice view of the place. went to get the Jeju chocolate as well. dear got some really nice keychains.

next was the Seop Jikoji where All In was shooting was done i think, if i dint get the names wrong. and then after some bbq lunch which i really had a difficult time eating, we went for the ATV ride and i wasnt really something amazing but a good try and it will be better if we had a try of the go-cart.

then was to the Jeju fold village and take alook at where da chang jin shooting was done. took photos and didnt really explore much but dear dear went to kiss the stone structure. :D will post up the photos. :D

and then was to Jusang JeolLi where we get to look at how amazing the work of nature can be... how smooth the side of the stones are and how the other different lines are formed.

then was to the amazing place that i alwats awanted to go! The Teddy Museum. i think i missed the pooh bear teddy but it is ok, all the other teddys are all so cute. including the one that i am hugging to sleep everynight. dear bought one bear for me. :D the price is crazy. -.- and we took photos with this really big big bear and then tried to look like we are in this old car with a crazy bear.

then was out for dinner and back to the hotel. we decide to not go out but in the end decide to went out for coffee. glad that we made the trip. we manage to get the korea dolls that my mama asked for and got seaweed and also magnets that dear want. oh, he got bear magnet from the teddy museum as well! :D and we got to a great shopping street.

next was to have donut and then to back to the hotel to have games of asshole dadi.

then was a transfer flight to busan. first we went to Donghwa Temple, which is freaking cold. really. no joke. then after all the photos. nothing much amazing, we went to Herbland and manage to take cute photos and bought the herb bags that aunty want and got one for my mama which i totally forget about untill now.

then we went on to the Spa valley and had a taste of what it is like to have the traditional body scrup and soaking naked. omg. but the scrup was nice. :D and we tried the doctor fish again. maybe to me it is really nothing. tried it in kl for 3 times?

then was check in to another hotel which was alright and we end up having games and sparkling juice till late hours.

then the next day was a long rideand we end up at the wine museum and their traditional craftworks museum. bought wine and next was to the maisan after lunch and had experience of how cold it really get. but we maaneg to get up and down without freezing to death.

dear had a race with bin bin and injured himself again.

after that, we went to Muju resort hotel. great hotel! it has a king size bed and a nice balcony which dear and i were lucky to get. but it was a rather warm night. went to explore around and got into this hello kitty shop and did some shopping. saw snow! really. just some small snow flakes and went to have a drink at the bar in the hotel. then was to the room for some games after i have help dear massage his leg. and to bed, feeling very very warm.

then the next day was to Everland. will talk more about that. Lappy dying. haha. :P

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