Tuesday, June 02, 2009

.The Weird One.

I just justified my conclusion today, just a few moment ago. Over a stupid File-and-Thumbdrive incident.

Hmm. Just last week, someone made a freaking comment on what i said in one of my previous entry...

'No wonder u no money, u spent so much on shopping and bought so many things'

Oh my goodness. come to think again, which part of the money that i spent was yours? i did rebut of course, just like what the usual me will do. And guess what the reply was?

'You still take money from Mummy'

okies. fine. so i did take money from mama. i think i took about 40 last month? but come to think again, i gave her 350 last month, out of which, 50 was for a debt from the previous month. So all in all, i gave her 300 for the last month and minusing the 40 plus that i took from her, i still gave her about 260? and again, from the 40, i intend to return her 20 cause i think i have enuff this month. so ya, all in all i dun tink i was being ridiculous in my spending until i took more than i gave my mum from her.

but then again, that isnt really the point... so i maybe earning more than you but did you even see how much i was left with after paying things every month? not to mention some of the debt left behind last month. so basically, i am left with about 400 for the whole of last month which includes the purchase of a pair of goggles, a pair of pants, a $10 dress, going cycling, the dinner, and collection of the gold thingy from queensway. so is it really alot and ridiculous for spending on those things? its considered little for a girl's shopping and to be frank, i really appreciate dear for all the love, effort time and money that he had put on me for the past 5 months. 01 June was the 5th month anniversary! :D

anyway, back to the stressful topic. crappish. hmm. was that list alot? was that list ridiculous? the amount that i spent on the pants plus the dress is even lesser than the freaking Guess wallet that you got.

SO my whole point was, did i even spend your money? i returned what i told you to help me pay for and was anything missed out? the boat ride? or was that offset by the subway meal that we had? i dont know. enlighten me please.

and then come to today, even more crap... i wanted some documents from her.. so i asked her and she told me to get it from The Thumbdrive from her bag. okies. no issue, no problem, i went to her bag, trying to find The Thumbdrive and couldnt find it on either sides of the bag. so i fliped up the white documents and her wallet and her bottle and TATA~ i saw The Thumbdrive in the plastic file. So, not knowing how to get the things out, i took out the whole file and The Thumbdrive fell out when i was taking the file out as the file couldnt be close tightly.

I went on to doing the transfer, trying to zip the files up and send to dear. then she came in... and after telling me what files to send and realising that we have trouble loading the files to attach to email, she proposed to transfer it to ANOTHER THUMBDRIVE (which obviously is from the company) so if there wasnt this case of transfer, you would not even have taken the second thumbdrive out?

and the next moment, while i was doing the transfer, she started complaining about me taking out her hard plastic file. -.- and messing her things up of course.

She was then so bloody sure that the freaking file is on top and not below some white document. so thats where the arguement begin with her feeling so bushuang, her usual guailan look. yaps.

I tried to explain what happened and mention that there was something on top of the file but the guailan TAN JIE BIN refuse to accept.

so and being the typical guailan jieyim, i tried to 'enlighten' her that THE THUMBDRIVE was MY THUMBDRIVE to begin with, so maybe she shouldnt have been so rude and taken things for granted.

Not to mention that period of time when she losses my thumbdrive and not knowing where was it.

Yaps, i have to agree, when jieyim is bu shuang, she just wanna find things to fight about. but then again, what was wrong this time? so i was suppose to keep quiet and let her think that she is right?

no one in the right mind will go and dig up the stupid file if it is really on top. because i believe and can visualise that if it is really on top, with just the wallet on top of it, it will have been much easier to open the file to take and not needing me to take out the whole file and before that, having to feel the sides of the bag for MY THUMBDRIVE.

so that leads to the big quarrel. maybe you should learn to be more appreciative. the thumbdrive didnt come easy... there is a reason why i got it. and then when i got it and mama told me that you needed it, i gave it up to you and bought myself a harddisk, also for you and chun to store things. but never in the whole process was i thank for it nothing that i remember la and at that time, just last year, for me to spend the money to buy a thumbdrive and harddisk wasnt something easy, because i was spending even more than what i am doing now.

but maybe to let you have the thumbdrive in the first place was something that i SHOULD do, not something out of my goodwill. that makes you not even considering getting yourself a thumbdrive or getting one to return me. so it has technically become 'YOURS'

crap. and she still think that she is right. just the as always crappy sisters that all my previous friends used to agree with me. Weird girl with a Weird Temper.

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