Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Heard a song while driving

I like to drive around, especially when nice songs are being played.

I heard the following while I was driving back to office this afternoon, or rather, just now.


舍不得你哭 如果是我让你觉得无助
让我告诉你 我对这一切有多在乎魁
如何证明我深情的吻 才能呵护你脆弱的灵魂
就算被冷落 就算犯错 我都不走

喔~相信我无悔无求 我愿为你放弃所有
男人不该让女人流泪 至少我尽力而为
喔~相信我别再闪躲 我愿陪你 直到最后
至少我尽力而为 相信我

A particular scene came to my mind whenever I hear this song. Along with the feelings. Though it was once the worst period of my life then, the toughest, but it was when everything felt so strong and felt so real. I want abit of that now.

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