I am suppose to be doing work, if not, preparing a powerpoint for tomorrow that I know I will not have time tonight to do it. But still I choose to blog.
Went to Stream of Praise worship yesterday at Bethesdal Cathedral. Cool. It was really one of the best worship ever.
I kept wondering when were the times that the Lord really did help me through before. I have my doubts for him before, not until I realised something yesterday.
In December 2007, something happened to me, something that hardly anyone knows about now and something that I can never share with anyone then. That was a painful time. I was waiting and waiting and kept waiting. That is the first few times that I remember praying to Him before I became a Christian.
I was so disappointed in Him then, because things didnt go the way I want them to be... But after a long wait and all, things do ultimately, took a longer way but turn out the way that I wanted them to be. A lesson learnt along the way... But then, I never remember about whatever that I have said to Him before and I never credit Him for whatever that He had done for me...
And then life moved on and went on to other things in life. How he put people in my life and let me move on with things that should not be in my life. How he let me have all the things that I am having now.
Lets say this. The God is really a great and amazing God.
Maybe this is just another lesson that I am going through now. Painfully long and endless. And the worship left me crying. but walked out happily.
I was agitated on Saturday, simply over the fact that people no longer like to talk but choose to sms. I am disturbed by it. Over whatever reason it could be.
4 more days.
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