I have the urge to go sailing. To be on board a vessel, travelling to somewhere. Be a crew on board. Even if it means that I am the lowest ranking and even if that means I am going to lose all connection with my world for a whole of 6 months.
Different people have different expectations and some of it are impossible to meet. Sometimes, it is about voicing them out to let them be known and be worked towards. But somethings are just impossible to be done.
But what is not right is to only let it out when it is at the edge of snapping. When nothing else can be done. Did u let others have a chance to explain themselves to you to let you know what situation we are in at the moment? Did u let others know what are the things that you are expecting? Sometimes, when it comes to work and even relationship, it is about compromising. Really.
a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.
The definition of compromising... both party have to be willing to settle the differences together...
Yet at times, it is just about listening and hearing out and looking out for signs of snapping. Know it before it is here. Yet at times, you might not be able to react simply because you dont know how to...
Sometimes, it is about getting into this kind of situation to let yourself know that THIS IS LIFE...
Nothing in life is constant except changes. It contradicts but it is so true.
Time should not be spent on this entry... but there are just things in life that we need to acknowledge.
You can never please everyone. I choose to run away from people that I cant please. It doesnt seems to be the best way. I am not really running away, but rather let myself be in a situation whereby I have a choice to not be in the same environment with someone else, yet without being offensive. As long as the other person is happy, that should be the most important thing I suppose. Even if it means being alone... But I am glad that I am not. :)
Yet again, it is life that we are talking about here.
Believing that one day, things will be ok and it will all be on the positive side.
Things will be ok at the end, if it is not ok, then it is not the end.
Something random, and on facebook, I am glad that he is ok and doing well and happy. So the problem really does lies with me then. For a very stupid reason. But it is all memories.
Kind of emo and quiet these days except for this afternoon I suppose. Rubber bands in my teeth. Oh no... Hope it turns out well. Shall be diligent. Please.
Shall try to share a phrase or lyrics from songs every entry. Though I know it is not possible.
Something I am listening to recently.
My class was planning class outing by the way. Jokes and more jokes and some silly things that people said and done and I help to SPREAD THE WORDS AROUND. Like something that I will always do... haha. Sadly but sometimes, these are the kind of things that you have to give up when you are at this age and working I suppose. But I will still try to be there. At least for one day. If I can find my way. -.-
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