~*accusations cum from others*~
~*sumting tat i cant control*~
~*so i no longer gif dem a damn*~
~*i just want to put everyting to a stop*~
~*mayb even my connections wif the world*~
life, mood and attitude of mi in the morning and at night is totalli different... i can be smilling happily but tat does not mean i m happi inside... 自闭, staring into space... make mi laugh... i laugh simply imply tat i cant control my laughter... not tat i m orite...
why does bad tings oli hit mi at nite... it will left mi to cry thru the nite... end up? i m left wif swollen eyes...
dere are tings tat i didnt say and didnt tink of but sum idiots out dere put into my mouth... so, in the end, everyting originated from mi... COOL rite? i m forever the one... forever the big mouth here... forever the one wif the MOST evil plan in the world... forever the most cunning one in the world trying to RULE CHINA ah?
wad others say is forever the truth and wad i say is oways shit... can sumone tell mi wad i haf done to deserve all dese? simply becox i went too close to dem?...
no offence, but asking mi to cheer up wun help... cos i realli dunno how to le...life just keep moving on and time just keep passing on... but i m forever stuck here wif accusation from others...
can sumone at least cum here and ask mi b4 spreading tings ard?
ya... i told dem not to tell u aniting cox i tink u are not trust worthy...
ya... i m trying to rule NHDS, just like tat XXX
ya... i nv put in ani effort to help... i m forever telling u tat i dunno...
ya... dis ting concern oli the 3 of u... i m just another ka po, putting shit into my own mouth...
say i 小气,心胸狭窄,or aniting... so long time le, i still rmb... apologise to mi le i still bring it up to kao pei...
i tell u... i dun care... cox i HATE accusation... accusation can make mi die... since young, i m like tat... i hate being 冤枉...
i can easily forget it if tings dun hit mi all at once... but imagine.. in less dan 1 week, i m here crying dunno how to handle tings animore... to tink tat i go to sch i still put on a happi front... cox i noe tat if i m sad in sch i haf to repeat everyting... i just hate tat... it oli incur more anger and no solution at all...
not tt i dun accept ani help or aniting... but dese tings cant be settled by others... everyting will cum back to mi in the end... i can oli face dem myself...
but no matter how hard i try, i get tings off my mind... but b4 tings are totalli gone, another accusation hit mi again... so wad can i do?
so i tink the best solution is to accept the accusations and put everyting in mi... when i reach my limit... nuting in dis world can hold mi back animore...
i m now just hoping tat i will hear no more accusation... cox i dunno when i will reach my limit...
for dose hu haf intention to help... plz let mi handle dis myself... the limit is still far off... and i know... even if i claim tat i will end my life, i still dun tink tat i haf the courage to do it... i still haf tings not complete... yaya... stupid crap dese are...
i felt like a slut when i read ur blog... u r concern abt him... i m concern abt her... seeing her sad... i m sad too... she is my friend... all 3 of ur are... wad can i do? why did u even blog tat in ur entry... yayayayaya... i m the one hu tell her everyting k? why did i go tell her? aiyo... stupid mi... so sorry... i didnt tink of consequences before saying aniting... yaya... dis ting concern the 3 of ur only... so sorry tat ur 2 actualli choose to tell mi abt it when it happened... so sorry tt i get to know the 3 of ur... so sorry tat i m ur senior... veri sia suay ah... so sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
is dis wad ur2 want? here... i give it to u... if ur insist i m the one hu did it... den i shall give ur wad ur want... dozen and dozen of apologies... for sumting tat i didnt do...
i nv betray ur trust...if i was the one... i would admit, but i m not... i want the smile on her face... cos i tink she deserved to be 幸福... but cum to tink of it now... maybe u dun deserve her... cox u betray her too... maybe the one hu backstab u, wanted to let u have a taste of betrayal...
ya... i m EVIL accept it... i m selfish... accept it... i m stubborn... accept it...
~*the evil one here shall rule*~
~*the ka pao one here shall spread more tings ard*~
~*the betrayer here shd tell even more ppl abt it*~
~*the lazy one here shd cont to not help u wif aniting*~