Sunday, March 20, 2005

.::wad can i do?::.

~*has he changed?*~
~*or has he always been like that?*~
so many people changed through these few years... it leave me puzzling whether they were like that when i know them, jux that i didnt realise or the fact that they really changed...
~*let's talk about the first HIM...*~
i used to think that he is very clever... because what he said is always sensible and logical... i will turn to him when i need someone to analyse my problems... but recently i realised the bad part of him... or should i say that i am just starting to accept that he is like that since long ago... not that he changed or anything... just that he hided his bad points well unknowingly, and i didn't realise...
his bad points maybe something small and not important compared to his good points... but i think soon, his bad points will leave a bad impression... the bad impression which even his good points can't change... simply mean that people will only remember his bad and not his good...
remembering bad and not good points is perfectly normal in this world... people are just like this... they remember the good point for the sake of comparing themselves with others good point... who will go and remember bad points and go compare their bad points?
anyway... i realised that he is just so concern about his mian zi... he is clever... he has the ability to twist and turn things when he faced embarrassment... for example when he do some wrong things, he will twist and turn and make what he do or say seems right... he also have the ability to twist and turn things to find reason for not doing somethings...
whaever it is.. he just don't admit his mistakes and he is simply forever right... even if he apologise, his tone will still be so unwilling...
~*not to the second HIM*~
he changed... i can say nothing much... he now is just concern about his own stuff and not others... selfish, but not totally... don't know what to say le

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